Throughout the time the school has been open, we have received several real references from our parents. You can find the original references here. If you have any questions about the functioning of the school or you want to contact us, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You get to know our teaching team here.
The teachers are their friends! The teachers do not insists on the standard length of lesson (45 minutes). If he/she sees the kids are not able to pay more attention or need a break, they adjust the activity/topic/make a break regardless of time.

In this school, the kids are talking all day, having to pay 100% attention and this is due to the small class sizes.

Every morning our son hurries to school and loves all his teachers! During the weekend he constantly asks when he will get to go to school again.

The teachers are friendly, I can see they have good insight into kids. Teachers have time for parents, and are open to chat whenever there is a need.

Miki is always looking forward for calls with Marketa. When the call is cancelled he is unhappy. I shut him in this room and enjoy the time of being by myself, as Marketa handles him perfectly. The same with lessons with miss Alex.

This reference was sent by one of the parents during the pandemic in 2020, when the school was doing online lessons. You can find the original reference here.

This reference was sent by one of the parents during the pandemic in 2020, when the school was doing online lessons. You can find the original reference here.